The Herčeva saw and mill

The Herčeva saw and mill

The Mislinjska valley, is a territory rich with rivers and streams, and boasts a rich tradition of mills. Here, even before WWII, there were operating about 250 water-powered facilities (mills, saws, oil mills, blacksmiths, power plants). The buildings were slowly decaying, and many of them left no traces. Only the elderly still remember the old mills and saws, and fields of buckwheat, rye, wheat and corn. Today, milling crafts in our town are almost forgotten, however, when we visit the Herčeva saw and mill, we almost hear the miller when he is milling and singing an old miller song. In addition to grinding wheat and operating the saw, every year at the Herčeva saw and mill, they present the old farm work of husking the corn, which has become quite a tradition.



Carinthian Regional Museum

Glavni trg 24
2380 Slovenj Gradec
Phone.: +386 2 88 42 055, +386 41 332 964 (Albert Kotnik)
Fax: +386 2 62 12 522

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